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SRX26432958: Metagenome-Seq of rumen fluid:adult male
1 DNBSEQ (DNBSEQ-T7) run: 23.7M spots, 7.1G bases, 2.6Gb downloads

Design: none
Submitted by: Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Study: Bubalus bubalis breed:Water buffalo Genome sequencing
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The lack of comprehensive databases on buffaloes significantly hinders scientists from exploring the genetic mechanisms underlying buffalo domestication phenotypes in various fields. Overall, this project supports exploring water buffalo's unique genetic information resources and deciphering the genetic mechanisms underlying critical economic traits. It also offers valuable data resources for further investigating the molecular mechanisms of water buffalo domestication origin and phenotypic geographic differences, as well as for genetic improvement and development of critical economic traits in water buffalo.
Sample: HZ-4
SAMN44321392 • SRS22950124 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Bubalus bubalis
Name: FDSW230026730-1r
Instrument: DNBSEQ-T7
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM PCR
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 23.7M spots, 7.1G bases, 2.6Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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